Disaster Management Reference Handbook – Lao PDR

3 February 2021. Strategic priorities for Laos strengthening the health system in spite of COVID-19 pandemic are: resilient health system towards UHC, effective delivery of essential public health programs (including VPDs and NCDs), enhance health security (e.g. emerging infectious disease and public health emergencies), effective policy dialogue and advocacy (e.g. health leadership and multisectoral collaboration), and active partner in the Greater Mekong Subregion and ASEANhttps://reliefweb.int/report/lao-peoples-democratic-republic/disaster-management-reference-handbook-lao-pdr-february-2021


One year on, Myanmar refugees support COVID-19 prevention efforts in Thailand

01 February 2021. One year since the first confirmed imported and local cases of COVID-19 were reported in Thailand in January 2020, Myanmar refugees are continuing to share COVID-19 prevention information in solidarity with the people of Thailand and in support of the ongoing efforts of the Thai Government.https://reliefweb.int/report/thailand/one-year-myanmar-refugees-support-covid-19-prevention-efforts-thailand