Regional Alert

China on High Alert for Potential COVID-19 Rebound in January 2024: Precautions and Preparedness

15 Jan 2024. As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, a warning from Chinese health authorities in January 2024 has sounded alarm bells. The health authorities have pointed towards a potential rebound of COVID-19 cases in the country, with the JN.1 variant strain possibly becoming the dominant variant. This comes at a time when China is witnessing a decline in domestic influenza and population immunity, coupled with the continuous importation of the JN.1 variant strain.

Regional Alert

Breaking barriers: Cambodia’s inclusive approach to HIV social protection

24 Dec 2023. Cambodia is making significant strides in ensuring social protection for people living with HIV, recognizing the need for comprehensive support beyond medication. The country’s national policy for responding to HIV emphasizes the importance of nutrition and non-health related care. With impressive progress in HIV testing, treatment, and viral suppression, Cambodia aims to further improve the quality of life for individuals and families affected by HIV.